Paper Books

Tamar Stone artist book paper, overlapping images and text, vellum, acetate pages
Tamar Stone artist book paper, overlapping images and text, vellum, acetate pages

Additional descriptions and photos of these books can be found at

your/my...insecurities are my limbs © 1998

pages 22 back (vellum)

to exert (as oneself)    © 1999

Tamar Stone artist book color xeroxed on paper, acetate, velloum pages, overlapping images and text images women's bodies
Tamar Stone artist book color xeroxed on paper, acetate, velloum pages, overlapping images and text images women's bodies

Pages are 8 1/2” x 5”, B&W xerox on acetate and 36 lb T-2000 vellum pages.

Edition of 100, 28 pages including covers.

Pages are 8 1/2” x 11”, B&W and color xerox on acetate and 36 lb. UVII vellum pages.

Covers are laminated card stock with embroidered title on orthopedic corset strap.

Edition of 26, 48 pages including covers.

Using sheer pages of vellum and acetate, visual and literal puns emerge regarding a woman's form, and the space that is allowed for her in our society.

This book uses a combination of the objects in life, as well as texts, that were dictating to women how they should behave publicly as well as privately, creating feelings of entrapment, isolation and doubt.

This is my first artist book. I began to explore the relationship of the feelings I had of isolation while wearing a brace for spinal curvature (Scoliosis) while growing up. These feelings felt like "excess limbs." I wanted to explore the different meanings of what is a “limb”?

By using translucent vellum and acetate papers I could overlay images and text creating new ideas and further dissecting those meanings.

Tamar Stone artist book color xeroxed on paper, acetate, velloum pages, overlapping images and text images women's bodies

page 23 front (clear acetate)